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June 6th, 2018

As for superior education only 12.1% of the young ones between 18 and 24 years it has access to this level of education being 25.9% of these in public Universities and 74.1% in the private Universities in calling the attention these percentages when understanding that still it exists sufficiently deficiencies to be surpassed. The analysis of the lines of direction of axle III of the document of the CONAE, allows in them to question on what it will be considered preponderant in the new educational legislaes, from 2011, with the new PNE in view of being conscientious of the precarizao in the functioning of the Brazilian education in all its stages and modalities of education. Axle IV – Formation and Valuation of the Professionals of Education In this axle is being boarded one of the questions most serious in the quarrels regarding education in Brazil.

The current politics of formation and valuation of the professionals of the education do not possess organicidade in relation what it is implemented, disabling a sistematicidade and a logic of functioning of the educational system that allows to inculcar in the professionals of the education a conscience of politics favorable to the improvement of education. From the new thoughts legalized in the document of the CONAE-2010 and considering the existence of a formation/valuation materialize in Brazilian education it is not important we will attempt against in them to the new legislates, from 2011, rescuing the politics implemented previously and in pointing out of the changes that if ece of fishes in the improvement of the quality of education say. What it is thought regarding proposals for the improvement as example, exclusive devotion, reduction in 50 percent of extra the horria load for activities room, act of contract in statutory regimen, formation of professors in actual courses, guarantee of scholarships in licenciatura courses, reduction of 50% of the horria load of work for students of after broad graduation sensu, removal with remuneration of 100% to the students of after graduation stricto sensu, national wage floor, among others proposals allows in them to inquire on questions as: 1? Sufficiency of these proposals what wait of education of good quality; 2? Efetivao of these in 100 percent in the public schools; 3? Fragility in the scope of the fiscalization on the part of the judiciary power; 4? Guarantee of joint in the functioning on the part of the executive.


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