Nationalistic Senators
Altogether 18 transactional amendments have been gotten up, 9 of PSOE, 10 of CiU, 1 of PP and two of Nationalistic Senators. Before giving its approval with total legislative competition, the Commission it rejected the three amendments of I veto presented/displayed to the project of law of reform of the pensions by Nationalistic ERC, ICV and Senators. Between the amendments agreed also it emphasizes rrida to that with ctos of the 1 of January of 2012 the subsidy by temporary incapacity, in case of common disease or nonlabor accident, is paid as of the ninth day of the loss in the work, being in charge of the employer the installment of the benefit from days fourth a eighth. The text amended in the Senate must now return to the Commission of Work and Immigration of the Congress of the Deputies, where – also with total legislative competition the norm will be approved definitively, that the Government has agreed to with supervisory Ceoe and unions CC.OO. and the UGT. The main new features that are introduced are the elevation in two years – until the 67 – of the legal age of retirement, the increase of 15 in 25 years of the time that considers to calculate the benefit and the one that will be to quote 37 years two more – than the present ones to receive the 100% of the contributing pension. Source of the news: The Senate lifts to 5 years the time that will be able to be quoted by the care of children