Brazilian Vianna
It is whom he impels, little by little, as he sees yourself, our colonial aristocracy for the isolation of the devices, for the rustic life and tranquila of the farms and the fields of criao.' ' (Vianna, 1938, 4. Ed., P. 19). The passage covered between field, city and in return to the field is understood. However the continuity of the social formation, estimates the germ left in the cities for the convivncia and the heirs who in it had remained. Thus what it is happened later brings arraigado in its cultural and social target, the characteristics gotten there.
2.2. Transistion of the field for the urban centers Gilbert Freyre (Sobrados and Mucambos, 1977, 5. Ed., P. 7-8) makes a link between this decay of the agricultural patriarchate and the urban development, when it affirms that, the urban residences were ' ' an allonge of house-great agricultural the half-agricultural ones, that some of these magnates were also given to the luxury to possess (…) ' '. It is perceived here, a sequncia of the Brazilian social thought between the authors, how much to the subject social formation. While Vianna, searchs to characterize very well that ' ' gnese of the clans and the spirit of cls' ' (Vianna, 1938, P. 177), it is fincado in the field, Freyre searchs to distinguish as and who populated the urban centers (Freyre, Sobrados and Mucambos, 1977, 5.
Ed., P. 8-29). Oliveira Vianna dislocates its argument of the dichotomy between private public/for the binomial integration/disintegration. The predominance of the private order on the public order, is a barrier to the integration of the country. This approach of Oliveira Vianna has repercussions, on the way as it deals with the question the formation of the nation, with emphasis in the paper of the State as instrument of national integration. From this, point already verifies that Oliveira Vianna, possua a vision of that the representation in the institutions, when its representatives are raised it for elections, always will be tied with a group of interest, therefore the process does not have representative legitimacy, and the representative of the crown (been), will be able to present much more imparcialidade.